DevOps (CI/CD + IaaC)
Medical Design, Branding, App,Development
Microsoft Apps Holing Ltd, Australia Area
Start: 29 April, 2023 & End: 15 July, 2023
DevOps: Accelerating Software Delivery with Continuous Integration and Deployment
DevOps is a set of practices that combines software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops) to shorten the development lifecycle while delivering high-quality software continuously. Two key components of DevOps are Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) and Infrastructure as Code (IaC). Developers that practice continuous integration (CI) routinely integrate their code changes into a shared repository—often several times a day. Automated builds and tests are used to confirm each integration in order to find integration faults as soon as possible. Code updates that pass automated tests are automatically deployed to production as part of Continuous Deployment (CD), which advances Continuous Integration (CI). This guarantees the timely and dependable deployment of software to users.
Enhancing Collaboration, Reducing Costs, and Improving Quality with DevOps
The software development lifecycle is transformed by the multitude of capabilities provided by DevOps, which includes Infrastructure as Code (IaaC) and Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD). Automated builds and tests with continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) guarantee quicker feedback and early detection of integration problems, while automated production deployment shortens time-to-market and minimizes mistake risk. In contrast, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) allows version control over infrastructure configurations, allowing for reusability across projects and teams as well as consistency across environments and locations. DevOps also includes monitoring and logging functions that make it easier to find performance bottlenecks and troubleshoot issues.
It also fosters collaboration among development, QA, and operations teams, and integrates security practices and tools into the CI/CD pipeline, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and industry standards. By leveraging these features, organizations can accelerate software delivery, improve quality, and reduce costs.